Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Really. We need to CONSERVE H2O.

I feel like I am back in high school on a backpacking trip carrying around a my precious water bottle and purification tablets. Ok, it is not that bad here in Nashville, but if we don't do our part, it can be.

Please scale back your water usage. Coolpeoplecare.org provides helpful hints to guide us in ways to cut back:

What One-Half Looks Like (www.coolpeoplecare.org)

  • Don't wash your car. Don't.
  • Cut off your sprinkler system at home and at work (we're looking at you, Bicentennial Mall).
  • Smell your armpits. Do you stink? No? Don't shower. Your friends will still be your friends.
  • Don't wash your clothes unless you're out of underwear. Put on jeans and a T shirt and go to work. If your boss gives you crap, let him know there is a flood.
  • Let the dirty dishes stack up. No one will judge you.
  • Use and reuse the same drinking glass all day.
  • If you must shower, get in and out in four minutes. Set a timer. Be diligent.
  • Don't shave. Armpits, legs, face, back, or knuckles.
  • Your dog? He can also go without a bath for a few days.
  • It's time to use a bucket. Any time you turn the faucet on, catch the water and use it to wash what needs washing. Don't toss it out or just let it run down the drain.
  • Don't use a hose to clean off debris and dirt from your sidewalk. Let it dry and use a broom. If you're unfamiliar with what a broom is, click here.
  • You don't have to flush your toilet every time you use it. We'll let you be the judge on how often you flush. Just see what happens if you let it mellow for a bit.

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